Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Visiting Nepal?

Nepal is a one of the soothing tourist destination if you love nature and greenery. Besides, notable cultural diversity, meditation, yoga, Vipassana could also be the option if you are interested. I don't think I have to mention trekking, rafting, jungle safari, hunting, climbing mountains, paragliding and Bungee jumping.

 I will provide some useful links where you can find relevant information regarding all these activities:

1. Bungee jumping:
Jumping from 160m height to the Bhotekoshi river George. Chilling fun just
at 3 hours drive from Kathmandu (capital).
  About:- http://welcomenepal.com/promotional/tourist-activities/bungy-jumping/
  How to join? There are several travel and tours guiding private companies you can google.

2. Rafting / Canoeing:
You can explore steep Trishuli river starting very near from Kathmandu to Chitwan national park.
About: http://welcomenepal.com/promotional/tourist-activities/trekking-2/
Detail information:- http://www.raftnepal.com/
Photo: www.catmando.com

3. Jungle Safari:
 Jungle Safari in Chitwan national part passing Tigers and wild elephant could be the most unforgettable moment of your life. Details here:- http://www.nepaljunglesafari.com/

4. Hunting:
There is Dhorpatan hunting reserve in Western Nepal. Could be a nice experience if you love hunting. This could be a long trip and little bit costly as well. If you want to try you can find trip plan here.

5. Paragliding:
You can enjoy paragliding in blue sky of Nepal flying over green hills, old villages or beautiful lakes. If you are an expert you can enjoy cross country course and Helicopter drop. For details you can google or find here.

6. Meditation:
You can take various kind of meditation courses and Yoga in Nepal. Many organizations are actively facilitating yoga and meditation. Some useful links:
Vipassana:- http://www.dhamma.org/en/bycountry/ap/np.shtml
Sadhana yoga:- http://www.sadhana-asanga-yoga.com/

7. Mountaineering:

You can climb many mountains in Nepal with varying height including world's highest peak (Mt. Everest 8,848m). For information and Royalty : here
If you thing its convenient you can browse: Mountaineering in Nepal.

There are much more to do in Nepal. Which you can get in Nepal tourism board's website.

Dozen of Tips from my side :
1. Keep first aid and non-prescribed medicine if you are visiting rural part on Nepal. Further info:- Here
2. Travelling with a Nepalese local tour guide is recommended for better exploring and emergency.
3. Pick-pocketing is common in most crowded places like public bus and airport, so please take care.
4. Better keep in hotel room after mid-night.
5. Network coverage in remote areas in quite rare so try satellite phone.
6. Need international driving license to drive.
7. In moonsoon (June to September), landslide may block roadway in hilly region.
8. Visa requirement details can be found here.
9. Payment by Debit/master card is rarely acceptable, don't forget to bring cash.
10. Remove shoes before entering certain holy places like Temple, Stupa etc.
11. In case of emergency dial police (100), ambulance (102), traffic infomation(103).
12. And of course, read about geography, culture and disaster in Nepal before your travel

Wish you enjoyable trip to Nepal. I bet you can better explain the beauty of Nepal after visiting than me.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

"द्वारिका परेड"बारे केही कुरा (साभार)

भारतीय विदेश मन्त्री खुर्सिदको नेपाल भ्रमणको क्रममा उनलाई भेट्न नेपालका पुर्वप्रधानमन्त्रीहरू मर्यादा मिचेर गए भन्ने बहस भईरहँदा बरिष्ठ पत्रकार विजयकुमारको कान्तीपुरमा प्रकाशित यो लेख अत्यन्त मन परेकाले साभार गर्न चाहन्छु:- ...अहिले भूतपूर्व प्रधानमन्त्रीको खेदो खन्ने हावा चलेको छ । यो मौसम भारतका विदेशमन्त्री सलमान खुर्सिदको नेपाल भम्रणका दौरानमा 'द्वारिका होटल परेड' पछि उत्पन्न भएको हो । मर्यादाक्रमसम्बन्धी यस्तो मौसमी वायु बगेको यो पहिलोपटक होइन । बुँदागत रूपमा कुरा राख्दा बेस होला:

१) भूतपूर्व प्रधानमन्त्रीहरूलाई नेपालको मर्यादाक्रमअनुसार बहालवाला राज्यमन्त्रीभन्दा माथि, क्याबिनेट मन्त्रीसँगै राख्ने परम्परा छ । यस अर्थमा तिनीहरूले क्याबिनेट तहको विदेशी मन्त्रीलाई भेट्न जानु कुनै आकाश खस्ने कुरा हुन सक्दैन । हो, एकपछि अर्को, अनि अर्कोपछि अर्को, गरेर उनीहरू बत्तीसपुतली पुगेको दृश्य उदेकलाग्दोचाहिँ अवश्यमेव देखिन्थ्यो ।

यस्तै दृश्य मैले प्रधानमन्त्री कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराई भारतको राष्ट्रपति भवनमा बस्दा देखेको थिएँ । विश्वनाथप्रसाद सिंह प्रधानमन्त्री थिए । भूपूप्रधानमन्त्री राजीव गान्धीलगायत अनेक पार्टीका अध्यक्षहरू एकपछि अर्को गर्दै उनलाई भेट्न आए । दुई मन्त्रीले त किशुनजीको खुट्टा नै छोए । एक जनाको नाम अहिले पनि सम्झन्छु, शरद यादव । त्यसै साँझ किशुनजीले ठट्यौली पारामा भन्नुभयो, 'मसँग आएका मेरा मन्त्री साहनाजी र डा. देवेन्द्रराज पाण्डेले झुक्किएर विश्वनाथ प्रतापको खुट्टा छोएको भए काठमाडौंमा बसिनसक्नु हुन्थ्यो ।'

शरद यादवले किशुनजीप्रति गरेको सम्मान उनी नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्री हुन् भनेर थिएन । त्यति 'प्रोटोकल' को ज्ञान शरद यादवलाई थिएन भन्ने मूर्खता म गर्न चाहन्न । भारतीय सरकारी मर्यादाक्रममा महात्मा गान्धीको कुन स्थान थियो ? कुनै स्थान

थिएन । समाजवादी नेता शरद यादवले किशुनमा महात्माको छायाँ देखेर उनलाई त्यसरी सम्मान दिएका थिए । संविधानतः गणेशमान सिंहको कुनै स्थान थिएन । प्रोटोकलमा कुनै पनि स्थान नलेखिए तापनि नेपाली जनताले उनलाई कुनै राजा वा प्रधानमन्त्रीभन्दा कम आदर दिएनन् । कुनचाहिँ प्रोटोकलअन्तर्गत अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जर्ज बुसले ओभल अफिसमा गणेशमानजीलाई त्यत्रो स्वागत गरे ?

२) के म यो भन्न खोज्दैछु, सलमान खुर्सिदको उपस्थितिमा भएको 'द्वारिका परेड' उचित थियो ? होइन, उदेकलाग्दो थियो । भविष्यमा के गर्ने त ? एक उपाय, भूपूप्रधानमन्त्रीहरूले कुनै विदेशीमन्त्री भेट्दै नभेटे टन्टै सकियो । तर यो व्यावहारिक हुन सक्दैन । दोस्रो उपाय 'भेट्ने भए म भएको ठाउँ आउ' भन्ने । पाहुनाले मानिदिए त राम्रै हो । हिमाल हेर्ने निहुँमा नेपाल छिर्ने फुर्सदिला विदेशीमन्त्रीबाहेक अरूका निम्ति यो दोस्रो विकल्प स्वीकार्नु सजिलो छैन । किनभने छ-छ महिनामा प्रधानमन्त्री फेरिने ठाउँमा भूपूप्रधानमन्त्रीहरूको संख्या सानो हुँदैन ।

फुर्सदिला विदेशीमन्त्रीहरूबाहेक अरू पाहुनालाई पूर्वमा बालकोटदेखि पश्चिममा डल्लु हुँदै उत्तरमा बूढानीलकण्ठ र दक्षिणमा कोटेश्वरको दिनभरि चक्कर काट्न रुचि नलाग्न पनि सक्छ । त्यसमाथि ट्राफिक र सुरक्षाको प्रश्न आफ्नो ठाउँमा छँदैछन् ।

तेस्रो उपाय, अन्तरिम संविधानमा थप एक थान संशोधन गरी हाम्रा भूपूप्रधानमन्त्रीहरूको मर्यादाक्रम संसारमा कहीं नभएको गरी स्तरोन्नति गर्ने । त्यसपछि आगन्तुक अतिथि हाम्रा भूपूका घरमा जान बाध्य हुन्छ, जसरी ऊ आज बालुवाटार वा शीतलनिवास जान बाध्य छ । चौथो उपाय, हाम्रा भूपूले आफ्नै विवेकले भन्ने 'लाइन लागेर परेडमा सामेल हुन मलाई अप्ठ्यारो लाग्छ । मलाई क्षमा गर्नुस् । म कुनै सहायक नेतालाई पठाउँछु ।'   

पाँचौं बाटो, सलमान खुर्सिदहरूलाई नेपाल आउँदा कम्तीमा तीन दिनका लागि नेपाल आउन अनुरोध गर्ने । खुर्सिदले एकैदिन सबैलाई भेट्नुको साटो दिनमा दुईजना भूतपूर्व प्रधानमन्त्रीहरू भेटेका भए दृश्य अलि सहज देखिन्थ्यो । जस्तो, नेपालका नेताहरू दिल्ली जाँदा तीन-चार दिनको अन्तरालमा राजनाथ सिंहदेखि मनमोहन सिंहसम्म भेट गरेर र्फकन्छन् । हुन त, त्यसो गर्दा कुरा एउटै हो, तर परेड गरेझैं देखिन्न । सार त एउटै हो, रूप फरक देखिन्छ ।

३) केही साताअघि चिनियाँ स्टेट काउन्सिलर नेपाल आए । चिनियाँ प्रोटोकलमा उनको हैसियत उपप्रधानमन्त्रीजस्तो छ । उपराष्ट्रपति परमानन्द झा आफैं सोल्टी होटल पुगे । तर, उपराष्ट्रपतिज्यूबाट प्रोटोकलको गुनासो सुनिएन । उपराष्ट्रपतिलगायत यिनै सबै भूतपूर्वहरू लामबद्ध भएर चिनियाँ स्टेट काउन्सिलरको भाषण श्रवण गरे । स्टेट काउन्सिलरको 'संयुक्त कक्षा' मा सहभागी भएबापत भूपूज्यूहरूले कुनै नकारात्मक टिप्पणीको सामना गर्नु परेन ।  

सलमान खुर्सिद प्रकरणबाट भारतीय दूतावासले शिक्षा लिनुपर्छ । भूपूप्रधानमन्त्रीज्यूहरूलाई होटलमा परेड खेलाउनु राम्रो कि स्टेट काउन्सिलरले जस्तो संयुक्त कक्षा लिनु राम्रो ? द्वारिका होटलको परेडपश्चात् भारतप्रति वा आफ्ना नेताप्रति नेपाली जनतामा सद्भाव बढ्यो वा घट्यो ?

४) रुक्मांगद कटवाल सेनापति थिए । अमेरिकाका भूपूराष्ट्रपति जिम्मी कार्टर नेपाल आए । नेताहरू उनलाई भेट्न लहरै सोल्टी पुगे । कार्टर सेन्टरका मान्छेले रुक्मांगद कटवाललाई पनि सोल्टी गएर कार्टर भेट्ने निम्ता दिँदै भने, 'तपाइर्ंका सबै नेता त्यहाँ पुगेकै छन्, तपाईं पनि जानुस् ।' कटवालले विनम्रतापूर्वक निम्तो अस्वीकार गर्दै आफ्नो अफिसमा मात्र भेट्न सकिने बताए । त्यसपछि कार्टर सेन्टरका मान्छेले भने, 'त्यसो भए तपाईं उहाँलाई आफ्नो निवासमा ब्रेकफास्टको निम्तो दिनुस् ।' कटवालले त्यो 'अफर' पनि स्वीकारेनन् । अन्ततः कार्टर सेनापति कटवाललाई भेट्न सैनिक मुख्यालय पुगे । आफ्नो इज्जत गर्नेको सबैले इज्जत गर्छन् ।

५) पञ्चायतकालमा राजाहरू प्रधानमन्त्रीलगायत सबै नेपालीलाई 'तिमी' भनेर बोलाउँथे । धेरै वर्ष जेलमा कोचिएपछि बीपी कोइरालाको महेन्द्र राजासित भेट भयो । भेटबारे गणेशमान सिंहले सोधे, 'तपाईंलाई राजाले तिमी भन्यो वा तपाईं भनेर बोलायो ?' बीपीले जवाफ दिए, 'मलाई राजाले के भनेर बोलाए भन्ने कुरा मुख्य होइन । म सबै नेपालीलाई राजाले तपाईं भनेर सम्बोधन गरून् भन्ने अवस्थाका निम्ति संघर्षरत छु भन्ने कुरा सर्वोपरी हो ।'

६) अर्कोपल्टदेखि काठमाडौं आउँदा भारतीय विदेशमन्त्रीले सबै भूपूप्रधानमन्त्रीको घर-घरमा पुगेर भेट गरे पनि त्यसले स्थितिमा कुनै तात्विक फरक पार्ने छैन । पूरा, राजाले बीपीलाई एकछिन् तपाईं भनेर बाँकी सबै जनतालाई चाहिँ तिमी भन्दै गए जस्तै मात्र हुनेछ, त्यो ढोका-ढोका धाउने काम । हो, बाहिरी 'रूप' मा हेर्दा 'द्वारिका परेड' जस्तो उदेकलाग्दो नदेखिएला तर 'सार' उही रहनेछ । बीपी कोइरालाले चुरो बुझेका थिए, जबसम्म जनता सार्वभौम भएर सम्मानित हुँदैनन्, तबसम्म उनको व्यक्तिगत मान र अपमानको कुनै अर्थ छैन ।

खुर्सिद आए, चुनाव गराउनुस्, भारतको सहयोग रहनेछ भनेर गए । वैद्यजीलाई चीनमा पनि त्यही भनेर पठाइयो । भूपी शेरचनले भनेझैं 'हामी आफू मिल्नै नसक्ने, कसैले मिलाइदिनुपर्ने ।' आफ्नो घर झगडालाई चौतारीमा पुर्याएपछि छिमेकी बोले भनेर केको रुवाबासी ? रुवाबासी गर्नुपर्ने वा रडाको मच्चाउनुपर्ने विषय त्यो होइन ।

रुवाबासी गर्नै पर्ने विषय त पछिल्लो तथ्यांक हो । नेपालको आर्थिक वृद्धिदर न्यूनतममा झरेको छ, मूल्यवृद्धि अधिकतममा छ । हाम्रा दाजुभाइ, दिदी-बहिनीहरू बम्बईदेखि खाडीका मरुभूमिमा आफूलाई जलाउन बाध्य छन् । रुवाबासी हुनुपर्ने, हामीले अपमानित महसुस गर्नुपर्ने विषय त्यो हो । यो कठोर यथार्थ कायम रहुञ्जेल चाहे द्वारिकाको परेड होस् वा सोल्टीको सामूहिक कक्षा, के फरक पर्छ र सामान्य जनतालाई ?

विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोइराला पनि यही देशमा प्रधानमन्त्री भए । तर आफ्नो नामका अगाडि भूपूप्रधानमन्त्री टाँसेर प्रोटोकलको ब्याज खाने प्रयत्न कहिल्यै गरेनन् । बीपीलाई भूतपूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री भन्नु उनको विराट व्यक्तित्वको अपमान हो । आज बाँचेका भए शायद भन्ने थिए, 'केको मान/अपमानको रुवाबासी मच्चाएको हँ ? मेरा दाजु दिदी-बहिनीहरूको जीवन यस्तो अपमानित र कष्टपूर्ण भएको बेला मेरो व्यक्तिगत मान/अपमानबारे बहस गर्नुको के अर्थ छ ?'

यो बेग्लै कुरा हो, बाँचेका भए, उनलाई द्वारिका परेड वा सोल्टीको सामूहिक कक्षामा निम्ता दिने साहस न भारतीय दूतावासले गथ्र्यो, न चिनियाँले । किनभने भारत र चीन दुवैले बीपीलाई इज्जत गर्थे । त्यो इज्जत उनले स्वयं आर्जन गरेका थिए, न कि मागेका थिए । 'यु डोन्ट डिमान्ड रेस्पेक्ट, यु कमान्ड रेस्टपेक्ट' भन्ने महावाक्य उनै जस्ता मानिसका निम्ति रचिएको हो । त्यसैले त उनी बीपी कोइराला भए ।

(Source: www.ekantipur.com)

Writer: Vijay kumar

Language: Nepali

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Privatize it if you can't manage!

I am neither expert on economy nor on public service.So expecting expert's view on subject itself might disappoint you. Rather, I will try to emphasize on certain business or service which Nepalese government should not restrict authority to private sector. Let me borrow definition of 'privatisation' from Wikipedia which I mean to in this article "process of transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency, public service or public property from the public sector to private sector." 

Today, if you want to take loan for housing or real estate in Nepal, you can get it at the interest rate of 12-14%. I can do that if I meet the criteria. But how would it sound if government ministry make loan with a bank, and construct an apartment and rent to public. Sounds ridiculous, isn't it ! Similarly how would you think if I say Nepal government is selling petroleum to public after buying from India and restricting authority to private sector. This itself is not a problem but when government is in loss since a decade or more in this business then it should be privatized. The major difference in private and government work is: in private work people/organisation has to invest their own money and if loose they will loose everything but in government sector people who is handling money are not the real investor but we (citizens) are. So even they have to face loss it doesn't matter only to them. That's why Nepal oil corporation is in loss. Corruption, incompetency and irresponsibility is major. And still why they are not giving authority to private sector for oil business, But of course under the control of government.

This is only one small example, but there are still much more in which we have to encourage the participation of private sector for the sake of competitiveness, transparency and better service quality. Provoking private sector in  road, water supply and security are also vital in Nepal. Nepal government can't supply sufficient drinking water to public, can't maintain its own road Network in its desirable quality, and can't maintain law and order and hence encouraging private sector to such service would be a better alternative.
In the other hand there are some sectors in which privatisation should be discouraged for eg.: school/education, privatization of things of basic need without powerful government control etc.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lesson from Egypt!

Last week  (4 July, 2012) in Egypt, president M. Morsi had been replaced by Adly Mansour (head of the Supreme Constitutional Court) followed by military coup. Mr. Morsi was the first democratically elected president of Egypt came from the Muslim brotherhood, after sacking Hosni Mubarak (a long term autocrat) in so called Arab spring 2011.The Blaze writes on the recent ouster of Morsi: "The ouster of Morsi throws Egypt on an uncertain course, with a danger of further confrontation. It came after four days of mass demonstrations even larger than those of the 2011 Arab Spring that toppled longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak." 
Uptill now more than 50 Muslim brotherhood protestor has confirmed dead in bloodshed. And islamic constitution drafted within very first year is also desolved.
Thomas L. Friedman writes in NYtimes: "I wish the Egyptian army, which has its own interests, had not been involved. But perfect is not on the menu anymore in Egypt. Egypt could have had the worst of all worlds: an invincible government and an insoluble economic and social disaster."

Now let me correlate the case of Nepal in terms of racial distaste dissolved in political movement, ouster of long term monarchy(2008), incapability of politicians to ice-break the political deadlock and to draft new constitution. Fortunately, we have safely landed from very severe situation since there was a constitutional cessation after the failure of first constitutional assembly. 
Similar to Egypt, Nepal has chief justice of supreme court as chief of electoral government. Even though scenario of Egypt and Nepal is different, the outcome here still seems uncertain. People doubt on recently announced election of second CA, and even if election will be held no one believes current political parties will be able to draft new constitution. This means people are keenly seeking some sort of 'new force' to rule this country, and you know how horrible it is when new political force arise through non-democratic process. 
Another worst thing is the rising of voice demanding 'caste based federal states' ie. political priority(if this is the correct word, I say) for minority of caste who can high their voice. Descrimination or favorism based on caste and religion (whether dominating monority or vice versa) has proved to be the potential threat for any nation esp. on their socio-economic aspect. But why our people are still motivated towards possible devastation. Some limited number of politicians started this bullshit for their personnal benefit, however, now it may go beyond their control too. 
Another most important achievement in Nepalese history is the outrage of 'Shah' dynasty (last king: Gyanendra Shah) which had been ruling Nepal since last 240 years. Almost 15,000 people lost their life in civil war against Monarchs but current trend (towards failure of political parties) is indirectly activating monarchs again. Nepalese people should understand the fact that failure of one generation leader is not the failure of whole democratic process. One wrong decision due to frustration may create the favorable environment for autocrats or rise of new power through non-democratic process; and its horrible. Look at the burnings of Egypt in front of our eyes. People once lost their lifecan never get it back. Bloodshed will give nothing more than pain. Hence its time to carefully choose future leader, since our war is over and what we need is a right person to drive all these. 
We are in right course but wrong persons are fueling racial disgrace among us but I wonder why we can't anser them "Go to hell." 
Its Time!!!

Why I started this blog?

The most important question everyone may get answered before reading one's opinion is 'Why should I agree you?'
If answer is reasonable, you will say 'ah okay'; thats it.
I will try to assure you here why I felt 'write for Nepal (write4nepal.blogspot.com)' is important for me to spread the way I think. 
Let me begin like this:
Nepal is an independent country since  hundreds of years, not even a colony of
any 'rule the others' nations. But our generation feel that this nation is at the brisk of collapse.
Incapable politicians, giant and rapidly growing neighbors, & do nothing for nation types citizens are the worst combination of national threat. 

1. We are still signing 'changes' campaign to say Buddha was born in Nepal.
2. Literate citizens are correcting the common ignorance of internet sources that Mt. Everest lies in China. That is by nature in Nepal
3. People still tolerate the political hypocrisy despite they know its wrong.
4. Still can't get rid of the looser mentality "Single people can't do anything"
Etc etc...
There are many more national and international issues in which we have to strengthen our movement in this or that way. 
In this blog I will try to deliver my thoughts, revolving around all the issues of national interest regarding Nepal. This is to spread positive vibes and motivations and hence I am aware of how much you love your country too.